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Seminar on National Reports Copy

A Seminar on National Reports will be held on 7 + 8 December 2017 at the CIEP in Sèvres, France. This Seminar is about National Reports in general, on what is important and on how to write one, as this topics is one of the key elements of the RecoLATIN project.

Thursday, 7 December 2017
Meeting room: La Grande Bibliothèque

Moderador: Lincoln Bizzozero, Presidente CRICRI, UdelaR
Lincoln Bizzozero
Presidente CRI y CRI*, UdelaR* (tbc)
9:15RecoLATIN y los objetivos de la conferenciaLuca Lantero
Director del CIMEA
9:45La relevancia del proyecto RecoLATIN para los sociosPanambi Abadie
10:00Sistema europeo en aplicación del Convenio de LisboaElizabeth Zamorano
11:30Sistema de reconocimiento de títulos en MERCOSUR en aplicación del convenio MERCOSUR (en vías de aprobación)Anahi Astur
Ministerio de Educación de Argentina, Grupo de reconocimiento de títulos en MERCOSUR (tbc)
12:30Sistema de reconocimiento de títulos en América CentralSEP-DGAIR, México y MEDUCA, Panamá

Friday, 8 December 2017
Meeting room: La Grande Bibliothèque

09:30Start of the second National Report Seminar day 
Morning sessionWP3 - Preparing National Reports for recognition purposes
• Reporting from the three working groups
• Discussion on harmonization of Reports
Mexican, Panamanian and Uruguayan partners
Morning sessionNext steps:
• Planning of the work ahead
• Decision on deadlines and timing
• Wrap-up
Vera Lucke, CIMEA
13:00Closing of the National Report Seminar

Seminar on Transnational Education – Montevideo, Uruguay – 25 October 2018

Thursday, 25 October 2018

UCU – Universidad de Católica del Uruguay 

Agenda of the Conference and Seminar: RecoLATIN_Educacion_sin_fronteras

A Seminar on Transnational Education and Distance Learning was held at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay on 25 October 2018. The three Latin American countries gave a prospective an overview state of the art regarding this kind of education in their own higher education systems. The challenges that transnational education represents for their countries and the good practices that can be implement were enthusiastically debated.


Educación superior sin fronteras – Montevideo, Uruguay – 24 October 2018

Wednesday, 24 October 2018
UdelaR – Facultad de Información y Comunicación, San Salvador 1944, Aula Magna

Agenda of the Conference and Seminar: RecoLATIN_Educacion_sin_fronteras

An international conference regarding the trends of recognition and students mobility was held at the Universidad del la República on 24 October 2018. A particular focus was placed on mobility between the countries of MERCOSUR and the Mexican legislative reform about academic degree recognition. Another major topic of the day was diploma mills: its phenomena and how to tackle it.